Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

How to Protect yourself from Keyloggers using Keyscrambler

KeyScrambler encrypts your keystrokes in the kernel and decrypts it at the destination application, leaving Keyloggers with indecipherable keys to record. For your personal office, family, and business, KeyScrambler adds a reliable layer of defense.
When you try do something online, for example access your checking account on your bank's website, your keystrokes will travel along a path in the operating system to reach the destination application. Many places along this path, malware(keyloggers and Rats or simply keyboard hookers) can be physically or remotely installed by hackers to log your keystrokes so they can steal your user name and password and this is really a very dangerous threat.

How does key Scrambler Work?

Any Idea, yes most of you might know that but today i will disclose the internal details of key scrambler step wise.

Actually any key scrambler works in three basic steps namely: Encrypt Keys, Bypass Malwares like keyloggers, rats or keyboard API hook programs and at last decrypt keys. I have explained the steps in detail below:

1. As you're typing on the keyboard, Key Scrambler is simultaneously encrypting your keystrokes at the keyboard driver level. Because Key Scrambler is located in the kernel, deep in the operating system, it is difficult for keyloggers to bypass the encryption.

 2. As the encrypted keystrokes travel along the crucial path, it doesn't matter if they get logged, or whether the keyloggers are known or brand new, because your keystrokes are completely indecipherable the whole time.

 3. When the encrypted keystrokes finally arrive at the destination app, the decryption component of Key Scrambler goes to work, and you see exactly the keys you've typed.

Few misconceptions about key scramblers:

1. Key scrambling is not key stroke obfuscation. Actually key scrambler uses cryptography (namely state-of-the-art cryptography) for encryption and decryption which makes it a reliable defense against keyloggers and api hookers.

2. Key scrambler does not depend on type of keylogger or signature of keylogger. But some advanced keyloggers nowadays bypass key scramblers too, so never rely completely on key scramblers.

Note: " Prevention is better than cure", so keep yourself  protected and avoid being prey to any such noobish trap.

There are lots of key scramblers available in the market but i have chosen key scrambler pro for you guys, as i found it to be the best:

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Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Gmail Hacker | Fake Tool to Hack Gmail Accounts

Hey friends, today i am going to disclose some irony stuff that Hackers nowadays using to make people fool these days. Hackers are spreading a software tool named as Gmail Hacker v1.0 on the internet with title " Hack Gmail Accounts using Gmail Hacker" or "Gmail Hacker : A superb Gmail Account Hacking tool". But beware of such articles because its nothing more than a smart keylogger which is actually intended to hack users credentials that user gonna use to hack somebody's gmail account. Let us discuss the process in detail:

First of all frankly speaking, Gmail Hacker is a hacking tool( or i better call it social engineering hacking tool) which can be used in either way like Hacking someone's Gmail account and at same time loosing your Gmail Account( if not handled with extreme care). So friends which process you all wanna learn first. Hacking one or getting Hacked one.. or both at same time going step by step :P.

For Having a trail of Gmail Hacker tool you gonna need below stuff:

Now lets go step by step for the Hacking procedure:

Step 1 - Extract the arhive named Gmail.rar on your computer, Once you have extracted you will see the following file:

Step 2 - On opening Gmail hacker builder.exe you will see the following:
Step 3 - Next you need to enter your gmail address where you would receive logs. However I would recommend you to create a fake email address and use it for receiving logs. 

Step 4 - Once you have entered your credentials, click on the build button.

Step 5 - A file named gmailhacker.exe would be created, On executing the file, the victim will see the following:

Now you need to apply your social engineering skills in order to make the victim enter his/her credentials on to the software. The simplest way of accomplishing this is to tell the victim that the application Gmailhacker.exe is itself a gmail hacking software, You just need to the victim's username, your own gmail ID and your own gmail password, where you would receive victims passwords and click "Hack Them".

Step 6 - Once the victim clicks on the "Hack Them" button, his own gmail credentials that he entered would be sent to you on the email you typed while configuring the software.

Well, here is an interesting part, when the victim will click on the button "Hack them", he will receive the following error, making him thinking that their is a problem with the software:

Now i hope you all understood which part you need to provide credentials and which part you need to provide the fake account credentials that you have recently created.

Irony Part : The file that is being generated by builder.exe i.e. Gmail Hacker.exe is a advance type of remote keylogger which will sent the credentials you have entered into the Gmail Hacker option menu to the hacker who has build the Gmail Hacker.exe file. So important part never put your original account credential in any of such tools which gurantees that they can hack email accounts or facebook accounts because all are simply fake. They are just cool social engineering stuff which is used to make newbie Hackers or users fool to hacker their Gmail accounts.
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FBPwn ~ A cross-platform Java based Facebook profile dumper

Friends, if you get invitation from stranger in facebook, don't accept it.  Even if you know the person, please verify whether profile is real or not.  A new hacking tool is available (DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE) that will send friend request to you.  If you accept, it  can steal all info ,photos,friend list from you. Think twice before accepting invitation.

FbPwn: A cross-platform Java based Facebook profile dumper, sends friend requests to a list of Facebook profiles, and polls for the acceptance notification. Once the victim accepts the invitation, it dumps all their information,photos and friend list to a local folder.


A typical scenario is to gather the information from a user profile. The plugins are just a series of normal operations on FB, automated to increase the chance of you getting the info.

Typically, first you create a new blank account for the purpose of the test. Then, the friending plugin works first, by adding all the friends of the victim (to have some common friends). Then the clonning plugin asks you to choose one of the victims friends. The cloning plugin clones only the display picture and the display name of the chosen friend of victim and set it to the authenticated account. Afterwards, a friend request is sent to the victim's account. The dumper polls waiting for the friend to accept. As soon as the victim accepts the friend request, the dumper starts to save all accessable HTML pages (info, images, tags, ...etc) for offline examining.

After a a few minutes, probably the victim will unfriend the fake account after he/she figures out it's a fake, but probably it's too late!


All modules work on a selected profile URL (we'll call him bob), using a valid authenticated account (we'll call him mallory).

FBPwn modules are:

- AddVictimFriends: Request to add some or all friends of bob to increase the chance of bob accepting any future requests, after he finds that you have common friends.

- ProfileCloner: A list of all bob's friends is displayed, you choose one of them (we'll call him andy). FBPwn will change mallory's display picture, and basic info to match andy's. This will generate more chance that bob accepts requests from mallory as he thinks he is accepting from andy. Eventually bob will realize this is not andy's account, but probably it would be too late as all his info are already saved for offline checking by mallory.

- CheckFriendRequest: Check if mallory is already friend of bob, then just end execution. If not, the module tries to add bob as as a friend and poll waiting for him to accept. The module will not stop executing until the friend request is accepted.

- DumpFriends: Accessable friends of bob is saved for offline viewing. The output of the module depends on other modues, if mallory is not a friend of bob yet, the data might not be accessable and nothing will be dumped.

- DumpImages: Accessable images (tagged and albums) are saved for offline viewing. Same limitations of dump friends applies.

- DumpInfo: Accessable basic info are saved for offline viewing. Same limitations of dump friends applies.

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Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Netbios Hacking- The Ethical Hacking Tutorial




STEP 1.Open command prompt

STEP 2. In the command prompt use the “net view” command
Example: C:>net view \

The above is an example for operation using command prompt.”net view” is one of the netbios command to view the shared resources of the remote computer.Here “ is an IP address of remote computer that is to be hacked through Netbios.You have to substitute a vlaid IP address in it’s place.If succeeded a list of HARD-DISK DRIVES & PRINTERS are shown.If not an error message is displayed. So repeat the procedure 2 with a different IP address.

Step 3. After succeeding, use the “net use” command in the command prompt.The “net use” is another netbios command which makes it possible to hack remote drives or printers.

C:>net use D: \

C:>net use G: \

C:>net use I: \

NOTE: In Examples 1,2 & 3, D:,G: & I: are the Network Drive Names that are to be created on your computer to access remote computer’s hard-disk.


F:,”SharedDocs” are the names of remote computer’s hard-disk’s drives that you want to hack. “Myprint” is the name of remote computer’s printer.These are displayed after giving “net use” command. “ is the IP address of remote computer that you want to hack.

STEP 4. After succeeding your computer will give a message that “The command completed successfully“. Once you get the above message you are only one step away from hacking the computer.

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Now open “My Computer” you will see a new “Hard-Disk drive”(Shared) with the specified name.You can open it and access remote computer’s Hard-Drive.You can copy files,music,folders etc. from victim’s hard-drive.You can delete/modify data on victim’s hard-drive only if WRITE-ACCESS is enabled on victim’s system.You can access filesfolders quickly through “Command Prompt”.

NOTE: If Remote Computer’s Firewall Is Enabled Your Computer Will Not Succeed In Gaining Access To Remote Computer Through Netbios.That is Netbios Hacking Is Not Possible In This Situation.(An Error Message Is Displayed).So Repeat The Procedure 2,3 With Different IP Address.

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Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Hack into a Facebook Account using jQuery popup log in Box

Hack into facebook

In this article I am gonna teach you a new way to Hack into Facebook accounts Using jQuery popup log in Box.

This new way of hacking Facebook accounts works only for bloggers or site owners!!

If you don't have a blog then create one.

Go to blogger.com, webs.com, wordpress.com, blogger.com etc and make a free blog now!!

After making your own blog, select a good template for your site and start posting some good content to attract visitors.

Here you might be thinking that why I didn't made one for my own blog!!

The fact is that I already Hacked 200+ Accounts in two days using the trick  and secondly I surely don't wanna hack my own fans and visitors :-).

I just made this pop-up log in for testing my invention and making a demo but i never knew that I would hack 200+ accounts in two days!!

How it works:

 Hack into facebook

1. You will need the codes of jQuery popup log in Box. Download these codes from HERE

2. You must have a Web hosting page. Click here to learn how to make a web hosting page.

3. Open The jQuery popup log in Box codes By warwolf that yew downloaded!!

4. Extract all codes using a winrar extractor. Download it from [here]!!

5. Now log in to your Yahoo, gmail, hotmail etc account yew used to signup onbyethost.com.

6. Go to the inbox folder, you will see an Email by byethost.com. This email contains your byethost account informations.

7. Copy your site url from the Email yew received and open the "jQuery popup log in button by warwolf.txt"

8. Press ctrl+f, this will bring up a popup menu asking the user to type the words in the field that yew want to find in this text file.

9. Type action in the field and hit enter. This will highlight the word action as shown in the image :
Hack into facebook

10. After action, type your site url that yew received in the email by byethost.com in the place of "your site here".

11. Don't remove /action.php. Just paste your site url in the place of "your site here" like highlighted above.

12. Save the file!!

13. Now log in to your byethost account.

14. Click on "online file manager" button at the right side of the home page.
Hack into facebook

This will open the file manager of your web hosting page in a new tab!!

15. From the file manager section, click on the folder "htdocs" to open this main folder of the web hosting page.

 Hack into facebook

16. There will be two files in this folder, Delete them by clicking on the delete buttonat the top right of the files.

 Hack into facebook

17. Make sure that yew deleted these files by clicking on the tick button after pressing delete.

 Hack into facebook

18. Now go back to the htdocs folder and upload action.php file from the downloaded folder "jQuery popup login by warwolf"

19. Go to blogger.com

20. Go to Blogger > Layout.

 Hack into facebook

21. Click on Add a Widget/Gadget.


22. Select HTML/JavaScipt.

23. Paste the code into body of widget and click Save.

24. Now open your blog in a new tab, you will see a pop up asking for your Facebook Email and password to connect to your blog like in the image below!!

 Hack into facebook

25. To receive the Emails and passwords of your victims, type /warwolf.html in theaddress bar of your browser after your site url.

Join my blog and learn more Facebook hacking tricks :-)

Source : http://thewarwolf.blogspot.in/
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Hack Facebook Account Status - Facebook Status Vulnerability

Hello Friends in this article I will talk about a common vulnerablility which can be used by hackers to hack a facebook account status. Before I proceed with this article I would like to mention it clearly that every thing explained here is for educational purposes only. Our mission is not to encourage people to hack facebook accounts, However we want to raise awareness among people regarding latest internet security threats.


There are tons of Facebook users who use a feature called facebook text in order to update a facebook status. If you have enabled this feature all you need to do in order to update your status is to type in your status and send it to "923223265".

However the idea behind this facebook Account status hack is to send a fake sms from your friend's number, therefore the facebook will think that the message has came from the legitimate source and hence it will update the victims Status.

SMS Global

SMSGlobal is a website that allows you send fake sms, The free account only allows you to send 25 SMS, However the business account allows you to send more. All you need to do is to register on SMS global, activate your account. After logging in to your account, click on “Send SMS to a Number”.


Send SMS To: 923223265 (Facebook)

Sender ID From: Victims Mobile Number.

Message: The Status which you would like to be updated.


  • Turn off facebook mobile updating feature.

Hope you have liked the post! If you have any questions regarding this article, feel free to ask.

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Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

How to hack the Windows 7 or Vista passwords-Become a hacker

Hello friends,
"How to Hack windows admin?" This will teach you how to hack the windows password. You can use the above tutorial for hacking any type of windows Operating system. For Example: you can hack the latest Windows 7 also.

There is only one change is required to do. i.e., You have to choose the correct Rainbow table corresponding to the Operating system that you are going to hack.

You can get all type of rainbow table from here:


Hacking Windows XP

If you are going to hack the windows xp accounts(usually admin) password. Then you have to download the XP free fast (703MB) rainbow table.

Hacking Windows 7 or Windows vista

We all know that windows 7 is upgraded version of Vista. So the same rainbow table is used.(because same type of Hash code created by both).
So You have to download the Vista free (461MB) rainbow table.

How ophcrack tool impressed me?
Recently i have tested this tool in my system. In order to test , i create new account with "secure123" password. When i click the crack button, i got the password within seconds. I know this is weak password. So i thought it is not big issue to crack this silly password.

But when i try with my friend system, i am really impressed. Do you know why? He put the strong password for his windows 7 os( a password with upper&lower case combination,Special character,numbers). Because the ophcrack takes less than 1 seconds to crack this password. It is so interesting how the design this wonderful software.
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How to Hack the Windows Admin Password Using OphCrack in Backtrack tutorial

if you are college/school students, you may curious to hack the admin password in your college or school system. This post is going to help you to crack the any type of windows accounts passwords. Learn how to hack the windows admin password like a geek.

Refer this link also: How to hack the windows 7 or vista using the following method

  • BackTrack Linux 4 or 5. Download it from http://backtrack-linux.org
  • Two Pen drives [if you are going to test in your own system, one pen drive is enough]
  • Xp Free Fast RainBow table [tables_xp_free_fast.zip]. Download it from here:http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/tables.php

Install the Backtrack Linux in one pen drive. Leave another pen drive as empty.

Step 1: Booting From Back Track
Insert the Backtrack installed  pen drive in target computer[when turned off].  We are going to boot the operating system from pen drive, so insert when the system is turned off.
Now Turn on the system.
Press F10 [boot menu, differs for system]  before booting and select boot from Pen drive. 
Now it will boot the Backtrack.
Select "Graphical User Interface "
Now wait for a while ( it will execute some commands}
Now you can see the "root:"
type "startx" and hit enter.  It will bring you to the GUI view of Backtrack.

Step 2:Copy the SAM and System files
Click the  Start button(dragon symbol)
Select System Menu
Select Storage Media(if you see nothing, close the window open it again).

You can see the list of Hard disk and Your pen drive.
Open the windows installed Hard disk and Navigate to this path:

There you can see two files named as "SAM" and "System". 

Copy the both SAM and system files.
[ Just proceed to next step without closing the window]

Step 3:Insert your Empty Pen Drive
Now again go to System Menu->Storage Media
Open Your pen drive(Empty Pen drive) ,Create a new folder and paste the sam and system files inside that folder

[note: you may not paste into your backtrack installed pen drive. that's why i asked you to bring 2 pen drives.  If you testing in your system, then you can copy to any other hard drive.]

You can not directly copy the sam and system files from same operating system. That's why we are using Backtrack.

Step 4:Now go to your home.
Boot into windows.  Extract the "tables_xp_free_fast.zip" in any hard drive.
Copy the folder that contains sam and system files from your pen drive.
Paste in any hard drive.
Restart the windows.
Insert the Backtrack installed pen drive and boot from Pen drive.

Step 5: Mounting the Hard drive in Backtrack

Now  go to System Menu->Storage Media(if you see nothing, close the window open it again).
and open the hard drives that contains sam files and rainbow tables. Then close it.

Don't be confused. I asked you to open those hard drive for mounting purpose. In linux , it won't mount automatically until you open the drive

Step 6: Run OphCrack Tool in Backtrack
Open the ophcrack GUI(start->Backtrack->Privilege Escalation->Password Attack->offline Attacks-ophCrack GUI).

Ophcrack GUI application will run now.

Step 7: Loading the folder that contains sam and system files

Click the Load and select "Encrypted SAM" in ophcrack tool.
Now it will ask you to select directory that contains SAM folder.
[Select Computer in file selecting window.  click '/'  browse to /media/your_Hard_Disk]
 Select the directory(don't open the directory, just select it).

Now it will load and display the list of user accounts in the windows.

Step 8: Target the Admin Account
Here i am going to hack the one of the administrator account "secure" of my computer.
So remove all other accounts except the target admin account.[This is not necessary, but it will increase the cracking speed] by clicking delete button.

Step 9: Install the Rainbow Table
Now let us install the Rainbow table.
Click the Table button in ophcrack tool.
Now it will ask you to selec the table. 
we are going to crack windows password right?. So choose the first one. and click the install button.
[note: i have installed the rainbow table already.  So it showing green.]

Now browse to the Rain bow table directory. I mean to the "tables_xp_free_fast" folder.
[here also, don't open the foler, just choose it]

now click ok.

Step 10: Cracking Begins
Click the Crack button.
Wait for a while [ophcrack is the fastest cracking tool. so it won't take too much time]

Step 11: Password is cracked
Yes..!! we got the password.  Now go to your school/college and login with that password.
Enjoy.  Don't forget to share with your friends.  This is interesting one na..!
Actually i missed the fun.  I didn't know this hack when i study in college. if i know that time itself,
i may have fun with my college system. 

Using Backtrack Installed CD Or single Pen drive:

You will need only one pen drive, if you are going to hack the admin password in the target system itself. Don't forget to bring the rainbow table in your backtrack pen drive in this case.

you can use cd instead of Pen drive for backtrack installation.
If you use cd, you can not bring the SAM file to your home. You have to crack it in that computer itself

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